Throughout the thirteen years of its existence, Manufacturing Advisory Services helped an infinite number of small and medium enterprises increase their production. Manufacturing Advisory Services was initiated by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in April 2002 (DTI was renamed to Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) in 2007). The primary duty of MAS was to provide technical and strategic advice to the SMEs in the UK.
Functions Of The Restructured Manufacturing Advisory Services
The new Manufacturing Advisory Services had five levels of business involvement and a Supply Chain assistance. The different offers that make up the new MAS would be as follows:
Level 1 (Enquiries): This will be provided by a small team of highly experienced advisors dispersed around England. It will combine local knowledge with website support.
Level 2 (Manufacturing Review): Provide one-day (or two days for complex businesses) on-site specialist manufacturing diagnostic review using new diagnostic tools.
Level 3 (Events): Provide networking opportunities and training that will encompass best practices and social networking tools.
Level 4 (Consultancy): Introduce a three-tier project structure. MAS advisors will provide funding up to £10,000 depending on the size and intention of the company.
Level 5: MAS consultants will identify partner organization but will retain responsibility for referral until confirmed and demonstrated that partner organization has met client need.

More and more women are getting involved in an industry previously dominated by men
Supply Chain: The core focus of the supply chain would be to help SMEs into the diversification of their product to manufacturing supply as well as enhancing the relationship between groups of SMEs in the supply chain.
Success Stories Recorded by SWMAS Ltd
SWMAS Ltd was one of the bodies that made up Manufacturing Advisory Services. Its services cut across the South West between 2012 and 2015 (January to April precisely). According to its record, SWMAS Ltd was able to support over 3,750 manufacturing businesses in total to improve their strategies and performance until the end of the MAS program. They visited the companies and identified their priorities for growth and by doing so were able to meet their expansion needs.
Within this period, SWMAS Ltd was able to create 3,577 new jobs. SWMAS Ltd also delivered 1448 in-depth business improvement and organized workshops, which had a total of 8,214 attendees. The purpose of the seminars as enshrined in the restructured MAS level 3 business involvement was to up the skills of the participants on manufacturing. Through its programs, SWMAS Ltd was able to add £244m Gross Value (GVA) to the regional economy.
Future Advanced Manufacture
Future Advanced Manufacture Ltd had its prime focus on research and development (R&D) but after a while, decided to make a radical shift to repeat production of high-precision aerospace components, marine and defense industries, and oil and gas. However, it became evident that they were not ready for the challenges and complexities of that transition.

Nanotechnology is the next big thing in the manufacturing industry global arena
SWMAS Ltd swung into action by funding their attendance at a strategic development program. It was from being a part of this program that Future Advance Manufacture saw the need to reshape its business model.
In a success statement, the Managing Director of Future Advance Manufacture, Craig Peterson, said;
“As a result of the work done with SWMAS we have been able to increase our appeal to a wider customer base. This has enabled us to win a landmark contract to manufacture and supply a key component for a local business, reshoring production back to the UK from China.”
Source: SWMAS Webpage
In just a year, Future Advance Manufacture Ltd was able to achieve a 50/50 goal divided between R&D and repeat manufacture. The different business units were also brought together under a new larger factory.
Success Stories Recorded by Pera
Pera Consulting is one of the consortiums that were shouldered with delivering the Manufacturing Advisory Service. Pera was able to offer MAS in the East Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber, and East of England. Pera provided support for SMEs in the form of consultancy, coaching, access to finance, mentoring, expert advice and training.
Partnering with MAS, Pera carried out projects with 3,192 manufacturers, created 9,689 jobs and created £743m GVA.
Exhausts UK
Pera Consulting worked with Exhausts UK through the MAS program to increase their turnover by 15 percent in one year and create three new jobs. The success statement of the Managing Director of Exhausts UK, Rachel Jarvis reads,
“Working with MAS has revolutionized the way the whole business run. The culture we’ve introduced has transformed the way we work and has played a huge part in our strategic development. The expertise provided, including the implementation of a new dedicated production line for volume manufacturing, along with the introduction of 5S was invaluable”.
Source: Pera Webpage
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